Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It’s a really useful feature for people that want to use two apps simultaneously, and it’s definitely more flexible than the iOS version (though that’s also a welcome addition to Apple’s mobile devices). That’s really all there is to using Split View in El Capitan.

The other app that remains in fullscreen mode will return to use the full width of the screen, and the app that you sent back to the Desktop will return to its original position before you put it into Split View mode. not in fullscreen) just use the green traffic light button again (or Control + Command + F with the desired app selected) to return it to a normal desktop view: If you wish to return either of the apps back to the normal, windowed mode (i.e. It should be technically possible not to blur the window whilst it’s being moved – that would be a nice UI tweak in a future update. Quite why this happens is unknown – it’s a nice effect and so it might be purely for cosmetic reasons.
It’s not possible though to have an app occupy less than a quarter of the screen width:įor some reason when you resize the apps, one of the windows appears blurred: In El Capitan, you can adjust the amount of horizontal space the apps take up in any way you like, so you could for example have a 50/50 split, or as little as 25/75 or anywhere in between. A double-headed cursor is shown when it’s possible to move the divider in either direction. Unfortunately, that cursor isn’t captured when taking a screenshot, but it looks similar to my rather crudely post-processed image below. A cursor then appears indicating possible directions you can drag the divider to resize both apps. You can resize split to your liking though by hovering your mouse on the narrow vertical black bar that separates the two apps. This might take a bit of practice, as it’s a case of dragging the app to the top of the screen and then moving up further until the Spaces view activates, much in the same way that you would access the Dock in fullscreen mode by dragging your mouse to the very bottom of the screen then pulling down further.īy default, Split View arranges the new app occupying two-thirds of the screen, and the original app taking up the other third:

It’s also possible to just drag any window “off the top” of your screen, at which point the Spaces view appears and lets you drop the app into any space to active Split View. The space is not activated by default: you still need to then switch to that space using the familiar three finger swipe left/right, or by clicking on it in the list of Spaces at the top of your screen. Once you have the window on the desired space and the side you want, just release your mouse to drop the window into the Space. You can of course just (while holding down your mouse button) move the window back down onto the desktop and cancel the Split View action. A “+” icon shows which side of the space the window will be positioned: If you move your cursor (while still holding down the mouse button or trackpad), you can move the selected window left or right on any of the spaces to select the left or right side of the split view. In this example, just move the Finder window onto the Safari space, after which you’ll see the Finder window in miniature in the Spaces bar, and Safari squeezes over to one side. The next step, is to grab the Finder window and move it to the space you want to use Split View with. This step isn’t really necessary as the next step will automatically do that in any case. You can however just move your cursor to the top of the screen which expands the spaces and shows little graphics of each one. In El Capitan, a single swipe upwards doesn’t show a graphic representation of your spaces, just a semi-transparent bar with the names of each space shown as text: Next, swipe upwards on your trackpad with three fingers to show your available spaces. In this example, we’ll just use a Finder window. Next, go back to the Finder and open whatever other app you won’t to use as the second app. Open Safari (or another app of your choice) and enter full screen mode either by pressing the green traffic light button, or by using the keyboard shortcut which is Control + Command + F. Let’s start with a simple example, arranging two windows side by side – in this case we’ll use Safari on one side of the screen and add another app to the other side. There are a couple of ways to use it, all of which should become fairly intuitive once you’ve done it a couple of times. Using Split View is very straightforward.